Launch Into the Deep

Luke 5:4
And when He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”

It is our desire to see students be ready by graduation to "launch out into the deep..." meaning they are ready biblically to live in the world as an "ambassador of Christ" away from home. The deep may be college, career, or wherever the Lord takes them, but our purpose is to help them be prepared for the catch that God will bring. Ready to give an answer, defend, live and if necessary die for Christ. Our world wants to marginalize the true saving faith that should have transformed every believer, so Pistol Creek Students is life prep for today and the future real life battles that are coming.

Come Hang With Us!

6-12th grade starts in the Worship Center at 6:30 PM Wednesday's. Then after music the 6-8th typically separates from 9th-12th for bible studies in rooms 102 (H.S.) and 204 (M.S.).

PC Students


6:30 pm Worship Center